Privacy Policy

At the University of Hertfordshire, we believe strongly in protecting our users' privacy. Herts Digital Documents is provided using DCWeb, a product from Advanced Secure Technologies (AST). AST is required to comply with all relevant UK Data Protection Legislation, and with the University of Hertfordshire’s Data Protection UPRs when processing users’ personal information.

A limited amount of personal information is collected directly through the Herts Digital Documents. This information includes the following, when entered directly by a user onto their profile:

  • Phone number and additional phone numbers
  • Email address and additional email addresses
  • Social media links
  • Address(es)
  • Avatar picture (which would be personal information if a user uses a photograph of themselves.)

Please note that this information does not feed back to the Student Records System, or to the Herts Alumni Portal. Updating your details on Herts Digital Documents will not update your details anywhere else.

All other personal information is processed from information already held by the University of Hertfordshire, according to the Data Protection Policy.

For further information on how the University of Hertfordshire processes your personal information, please see the following links: